"Public diplomacy," frequently used by states in the international arena yet not fully conceptualized and explained worldwide, still lacks a clear definition. As a result, the concept is often intertwined with "soft power." During the writing of this book, the exchange of ideas between the author and Joseph S. Nye, who coined the term soft power, has been crucial in distinguishing between public diplomacy and soft power. The work is based on this distinction and tries to ground the conceptual debate with examples. In essence, public diplomacy can be described as a technique applied in foreign policy. The book "A New Dimension in International Relations: Public Diplomacy" focuses on explaining and interpreting public diplomacy from a methodological and broad perspective, examining its application in international relations. The hope is that this work will be useful not only for academics in the field of International Relations but also for anyone interested in foreign policy.
Karadağ, Haluk (2016) Public Diplomacy: A New Dimension in International Relations, Nobel Academic Publishing, Ankara, Turkey.